First, I tried Tom's natural flouride-free silly strawberry toothpaste 4oz--Olivia was willing to try but quickly refused. Curiously I gave it a try and quickly understood that the weird sweet tingy taste was the cause of her rejection.
Second contestant, The Natural Dentist Cavity Zapper Groovy Grape 5oz--This time I tried it first. It had a different texture almost chalky but the taste wasn't bad. After much baiting Olivia tried it and rejected it.
Next up; Colgate fluoride free mild fruit 0-2yrs old 1.75 oz toothpaste--I didn't want to even dare give it to her it was GROSS. It had a sting like novacaine and an insanely sweet taste that almost made me puke. She actually asked to taste it on her finger and instantly stuck out her tongue crying to have it wiped off. I'm at this point getting nervous about the care of her teeth.
And the last one before Toddler scores yet another point, Orajel training toothpaste berry blast for toddlers 2 oz. I thought strategically on this one. Since her infant toothpaste was Orajel I figured to stick with the same brand. Texture was consistent to that of their infant paste which she liked. The color was blue compared to the clear infant paste. Upon noticing the different color she at first refused. After some convincing she tried it and the mild taste wasn't a turn off. This was the winning toothpaste for a couple weeks but we are back to using the Orajel infant paste with the big girl toothbrush. *gahh*
In addition it is also importamt to note that her sister is spending the summer with her mother which made this transition harder as Olivia loves copying her big sister brush her teeth. I tried brushing my teeth with her as a substitute but I don't get the same results--I guess I'm too old too copy, lol. Now, I try to utilize my niece when she comes over as well as recruit the cool titi (aunt) aka my older sister to brush their teeth with her.
As for toothpaste for Olivia the 2 yr old--Orajel is a good choice but I just don't think she's into the flavor aspect of it since she has reverted back to the flavorless infant paste.
Toddler 2 Mommy 0 blAHHH!!