Sunday, August 21, 2011

It's yellow, Wet and Stops at 2 Little Feet...

I have spent this weekend stepping in trails and wiping puddles of pee that lead up to 2 little feet of a mortified 2 year old.  I don't quite understand what is going on and find myself feeling very frustrated with this potty training relapse.  In less than 2 hours we have gone through 4 big girl panties.  Olivia is becoming resistant to sitting on the potty and has begun demanding a pamper to be put on her.  Thus far, I have been able to distract her from the situation (tickles and playing) and manage putting a big girl panty on her but it's usually a short lived victory. 

I'm wondering if the use of pampers at the daycare combined with having such a strong headed/ stubborn child has something to do with the newly encountered Resistance.   It's moments like these I wish she came with a manual to eliminate some of the guess work and both our frustrations. 

The way things are looking I may need to buy another box of pampers and suck up the $25 hit to my wallet. 

If there is ANYONE out there with some ideas/suggestions PLEASE share.  I don't know who is winning at this point...I know I sure feel like I'm losing this challenge but I also believe Olivia may share similar sentiments :(

She has just fallen asleep....poor thing. 

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