Friday, May 31, 2013

Diagnosis: The Sniffies

My daughter loves Doc McStuffins.  She often pretends she's the doc and loves calling me her "Lambsey".  If you've never watched Doc Mcstuffins it's about a little girl who plays doctor to all her toys.  A toy usually breaks and Doc McStuffins takes them to her little clinic (outdoor clubhouse), sings the theme song and gives a cute diagnosis.  One of the main stuff animals is Lambsey (a stuffed lamb that loves cuddling) which is what my little one calls me. 
Yesterday I was feeling a bit under the weather and my little Doc McStuffins sang the theme song followed by her diagnosis for me,

Olivia: I have a diagnosis
Me: What is it doc?
Olivia: Lamsey you have THE SNIFFIES
Me: Oh no, what shall we do, doc? *sniff, sniff*
Olivia: Stay home and sleep the SNIFFIES away...

I attempted going to work despite the doc's orders and made it through only part of the day. Maybe my little Doc McStuffins really knew what she was talking about because it was really starting to sound like a good idea.  I went home and went straight to bed to sleep the sniffies away. 

Today I woke up thinking I was all better (sniffies were almost non-existant) and went to work.  An hour into work and my body began to fail me-seriously?!  I guess I'm not exactly in the clear yet.  So here I am at home with the sniffies full blown-seriously?!  So not cool, when I have sooo much I could be doing right now.  But maybe my little doc is right maybe I need to stay in bed and sleep the sniffies away completely *gah* if only relaxing was in my strengths of personal characteristics, lol. 

Well, here's to good health...


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